System for detection of tumors based on magnetic resonance: prostate analysis (video)
How could AI improve prostate cancer diagnosis? This video from the research group of prof. Daniele Regge (coordinator of the clinical activities) explains AI application to prostate MRI.
Anonymous? Estimating the Risk of Re-identification Within the ProCAncer-I Health Data Sets
by Emily Johnson and Theresa Henne Age Weight PSA value Gleason Group 33 112,2 kg 7,9 ng/ml 3+4 Table 1. Is this data anonymous? Data sample of a fictional prostate cancer patient Imagine you stumble across the information given above - it may be part of...
Best Student Paper Award in the 21st IEEE International Conference on BioInformatics and BioEngineering
Our researchers received the Best Student Paper Award in Bioengineering category in the 21st IEEE International Conference on BioInformatics and BioEngineering that was held on October 25-27, 2021, at Kragujevac (Serbia). The award-winning paper is entitled: "A Deep...
Artificial Intelligence: a new age of radiology?
On Monday the 25th of October 2021, our researchers participated in the virtual meeting on "Artificial Intelligence: a new age of radiology?" organized by University of Torino with prof. Daniele Regge as Chairman. Aim of the Residents’ radiology online meeting- II...
Multiparametric MRI of the prostate for PI-RADS Classification and the ProCancer-I project
Α lecture about Multiparametric MRI of the prostate for PI-RADS and the ProCancer-I project was held on line and presented by Sherif Mohsen Shalaby. The lecture was οrganized by Prof. Neri and Prof. Dania Cioni, for the radioplogists and residents of the University of...
ProCAncer-I in «Big data and artificial intelligence in cancer imaging»
The workshop «Big data and artificial intelligence in cancer imaging», organized during IEEE BHI - BSN 2021 was held on the 27th of July 2021. Prof Tsiknakis, as Coordinator of ProCAncer- I ( presented the vision, principles and challenges of the...
ProCAncer-I in the Health IT Conference
Dr. Nickolas Papanikolaou, participated in the Health IT Conference, that was held online (15&16 June 2021). The main objectιve of the conference was "Health Informatics in the Covid-19 period", a strategic dialogue for the real upgrade of Information in Health....
A new international research programme targeting the accurate prognosis and precise treatment of prostate cancer will be coordinated by FORTH
Α big European research project on developing new software tools for the accurate prognosis and precise treatment of prostate cancer, will be coordinated by Prof. Manolis Tsiknakis, Affiliated Professor at the Institute of Computer Science (ICS) of FORTH. The project...
Ελπίδα από Έλληνες επιστήμονες για τον καρκίνο του προστάτη
Ελπίδα για καλύτερη διάγνωση, θεραπεία και βελτιωμένη ποιότητα ζωής στους ασθενείς που πάσχουν από καρκίνο του προστάτη, δίνει το νέο πανευρωπαϊκό πρόγραμμα ProCAncer-I στο οποίο συμμετέχει και η Ελλάδα καθώς συντονιστής φορέας είναι το Ινστιτούτο Τεχνολογίας και Έρευνας (ΙΤΕ) στην Κρήτη.
Fighting prostate cancer with over 1.5 million MRI images
Men die about five years earlier than women across the world. As initiatives to boost awareness of men’s health unfolded in November, an international project is bringing the forefront of AI research to tackle prostate cancer (PC), the second most frequent type of cancer in men and the third most lethal in Europe.
An AI Platform integrating imaging data and models, supporting precision care through prostate cancer’s continuum
ProCAncer-I: a H2020-funded project aimed at developing a platform to support clinical decision making in prostate cancer through medical imaging and AI
The Medical Imaging Research Group at IDIBGI will receive funding to carry out the ProCAncer-I project starting late 2020. The project has been recently approved by the European Commission and will be funded under the H2020 framework program....