D6.1 Vendor Specific AI Models
Deliverable 6.1, led by partner RADBOUDUMC, titled ”Development of Vendor-Specific AI Models,” describes the work performed in Tasks 6.1, 6.2, and 6.3 in WP6. Task 6.1 describes the ”Prospective dataupload to the platform” (Leader: RADBOUDUMC, Participants: FPO,...
D5.3 Deep Learning Master model and Radiomic Signatures
Deliverable 5.3, led by partner FCHAMPALIMAUD, contains the work performed by the ProCAncer-Iconsortium on master models using radiomics and deep learning techniques. ’Master models’ — modelswhich can act as a foundation for other models — were developed for radiomics...
D3.6 Final Data Management Plan
This deliverable based on the DoW entitled “Final Data Management Plan (DMP)” is an updatedversion of the Pro-CAncer-I project’s DMP (D3.5), in accordance with the regulations of the Pilotaction on Open Access to Research Data of the Horizon 2020 program (H2020). It...
D3.3 2nd Dissemination and Communication Activities
The deliverable (D3.3) describes all Communication and Dissemination activities that have takenplace during the period 1/4/2022-30/9/2023. Scope of the activities is to maximize the impactand the awareness of the project. All tasks have involved the whole consortium...
D5.1 Retrospective Data Retrieval and upload
This deliverable describes the process performed to retrieve Retrospective Data and upload themto the ProCAncer-I platform, as it is defined in the relevant task 5.1 of the DoA. In more detail,the task 5.1 states that Retrospective examinations that fulfill inclusion...
D5.2 Pre-processing tools
ProCAncer-I aims to develop novel AI models in order to add precision in the management ofprostate cancer patients by providing diagnostic tools able to reduce overdiagnosis andovertreatment. To this end, a unique dataset from the project's clinical sites is being...
D3.7 Open Research Data Pilot
D3.7 “Open Research Data Pilot” of the project ProCAncer-I is prepared under the activities of WP3 - Dissemination, Communication, Open data availability and Data management Plan. In line with the principles of Open Access to Research Data, ProCAncer-I will provide...
D3.2 1st Dissemination and Communication Activities Report
The deliverable describes all Communication and Dissemination activities that have taken place since the beginning of the project, and mainly after the submission of the Communication Roadmap. Scope of the activities is to maximize the impact and the awareness of the...
Our 3rd issue of the ProCAncer-I newsletter has been published!
Our third Summer Newsletter has been released! Read more here: 3nd Winter Newsleter Do not forget to subscribe for our next editions!
Our 2nd issue of the ProCAncer-I newsletter has been published!
Our second winter Newsletter has been released! Read more here: 2nd Winter Newsleter Do not forget to subscribe for our next editions!
System for detection of tumors based on magnetic resonance: prostate analysis (video)
How could AI improve prostate cancer diagnosis? This video from the research group of prof. Daniele Regge (coordinator of the clinical activities) explains AI application to prostate MRI.
Anonymous? Estimating the Risk of Re-identification Within the ProCAncer-I Health Data Sets
by Emily Johnson and Theresa Henne Age Weight PSA value Gleason Group 33 112,2 kg 7,9 ng/ml 3+4 Table 1. Is this data anonymous? Data sample of a fictional prostate cancer patient Imagine you stumble across the information given above - it may be part of...