D6.1 Vendor Specific AI Models

D6.1 Vendor Specific AI Models

Deliverable 6.1, led by partner RADBOUDUMC, titled ”Development of Vendor-Specific AI Models,” describes the work performed in Tasks 6.1, 6.2, and 6.3 in WP6. Task 6.1 describes the ”Prospective dataupload to the platform” (Leader: RADBOUDUMC, Participants: FPO,...

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D3.6 Final Data Management Plan

D3.6 Final Data Management Plan

This deliverable based on the DoW entitled “Final Data Management Plan (DMP)” is an updatedversion of the Pro-CAncer-I project’s DMP (D3.5), in accordance with the regulations of the Pilotaction on Open Access to Research Data of the Horizon 2020 program (H2020). It...

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D3.3 2nd Dissemination and Communication Activities

D3.3 2nd Dissemination and Communication Activities

The deliverable (D3.3) describes all Communication and Dissemination activities that have takenplace during the period 1/4/2022-30/9/2023. Scope of the activities is to maximize the impactand the awareness of the project. All tasks have involved the whole consortium...

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D5.1 Retrospective Data Retrieval and upload

D5.1 Retrospective Data Retrieval and upload

This deliverable describes the process performed to retrieve Retrospective Data and upload themto the ProCAncer-I platform, as it is defined in the relevant task 5.1 of the DoA. In more detail,the task 5.1 states that Retrospective examinations that fulfill inclusion...

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D5.2 Pre-processing tools

D5.2 Pre-processing tools

ProCAncer-I aims to develop novel AI models in order to add precision in the management ofprostate cancer patients by providing diagnostic tools able to reduce overdiagnosis andovertreatment. To this end, a unique dataset from the project's clinical sites is being...

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D3.7 Open Research Data Pilot

D3.7 Open Research Data Pilot

D3.7 “Open Research Data Pilot” of the project ProCAncer-I is prepared under the activities of WP3 - Dissemination, Communication, Open data availability and Data management Plan. In line with the principles of Open Access to Research Data, ProCAncer-I will provide...

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Prof Tsiknakis: Launch of the federal European infrastructure for cancer imaging

Prof Tsiknakis: Launch of the federal European infrastructure for cancer imaging

The EUCAIM (European Federation for Cancer Images) project is the cornerstone of the European Cancer Imaging Initiative, launched by the European Commission, within the framework of the European Beating Cancer Plan, emphasized Prof. Manolis Tsiknakis, as Coordinator of the ProCAncer-I project and Affiliated Professor at the Computational Biomedicine Laboratory (CBML), speaking at the Health IT conference.

ProCAncer-I at the IEEE EMBC 2023 in Sydney

ProCAncer-I at the IEEE EMBC 2023 in Sydney

EMBC 2023 is the 45th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. The conference was held in Sydney, Australia from 24th to 27th July 2023. 

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